The Sims 4

Horses are here!
The Horse Ranch Expansion Pack is now out!
Our family moved over to the ranch as soon as the ranch house was built. We have miniature goats and sheep. We have chickens and cows, llamas, dogs and cats and most of all we have HORSES!
Journey with our family as they navigate gang life, family and business life and running a Horse Ranch.
Updated Changes
We have noticed the family moved from the tropical island (that they still own) to a Ranch. The Ranch is as private as the Island and there is security cameras placed through out the property and we have had little luck breaching the property.
Talking to the towns people it sounds like the family is buying up property all over the area. We have looked into this, and sure enough Micky McDannell has been buying up land and property. There is also a unknown Male looks to be a teenager coming and going with Micky McDannell. We need to find out who this young man is.
Troy Johnson we did have him in custody for murder but could not make the charges stick so we had no other option then to set him free. The information we could gather is someone got into their home. Mr. Johnson shot the man when he caught up with him. The home is a large home! We could not find anyone who would say otherwise but this was a justifiable shooting of a trespasser.
Micky McDannell we also had in custody for a time on the same charges of murder. While checking on one of the many properties a customer shot and killed another. The information we gathered was Mr. McDannell then shot the customer. We could not find anyone to say anything but this was justified so we had no reason to hold him any longer.
We have been noticing some activity going on at a small ranch. This seams as if a working hay farm however every so often many of the 15 Street Gang go into the small cabin. We have obtained the schematics of the property and it does not seam as if all those people could fit into the cabin. Yet they all go in. More surveillance is needed. Perhaps if we have some agents walk by the property or ride a horse around the property as one of these meetings are taking place we could learn more?

Persons Of Interest
Other Interests

Been playing Sims 4 for a while now on PC.
I like the games, with mods. Not sure I ever played without mods??
Like Fallout 4 the Sims 4 community is active and makes lots of mods to make everyone’s game interesting! If so inclined Sims 4 even has a Sims 4 Studio to create your own in-game works of art.
I finally got around to uploading my search tool for mods, I am placing my console command cheats on there as well. Feel free to use it.

Sims 4 Dogs Playable Pets Mod
Sims 4 continues. I finally went and got this mod for the dogs.

Sims 4 Finchwick Garden Fair Cottage Living
Sims 4 Continues with the Finchwick Garden Fair from Cottage Living.

Sims 4 Taking Granddaughter to Beach
Sims 4 Family Drama. This even caught me by surprise!