Fallout 4


Fallout 4

Fallout 4 came onto the scene in 2015 from Bethesda Game Studio. Now owned by Microsoft. 

Fallout 4 is a open world post-apocalyptic environment that is as fun as all get out. One thing to note, Fallout 4 is as buggy as a video game gets, which for me makes the game worth my time. I like fixing things after of course I curse! Keep in mind I play with modifications (mods) who sometimes do not like to play well with each other. 

Bethesda Game Studios give us the right to screw our game up as we see fit. Just don’t go crying to them when we do.

Fallout 4 has a age restriction of 15 years old. Though some of my games, which I have played this multiple times are not for kids, young people or whatever a 15-year-old is to you. 

Fallout 4 is one of those video games that you can make into whatever you want it to be. Be it how Bethesda made it to be, or whatever your creative mind wants the game to be.

Bethesda Game Studio has put out the Creative Kit for you to change the game with modifications AKA mods. 

Please be mindful, my game videos are not made for children. My videos are hosted on YouTube. If a child you may not be able to see these videos due to your account restrictions on YouTube. Please don’t complain to me about the adult content, thank you.

TAKE NOTE- We now have the Next-Gen update that I am playing now. The London mod is out now and that too is being played and will be placed here on this page since it is a Fallout 4 mod.

Fallout 4 Steam Page
Fallout 4 wasteland workshop add on packaging
Fallout 4 vault tec workshop add on packaging
Fallout 4 nuka world add on packaging
Fallout 4 far harbor add on packaging
Fallout 4 contraptions workshop add on packaging
Fallout 4 automatron add on packaging
Fallout 4 Nuka Cola and Cap
Fallout 4 Triggerman
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For Some Giggles

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