Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC Curing Radiation Poisoning

here we are in Far Harbor getting cured.
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine After The Institute Was Blown Up

A short dialogue with Nick Valentine
Fallout 4 Shei The Wolf Shei – Wolf Alley Mod

This is Shei the wolf. A mod I dont play without. If you have watched my videos then you have seen Shei!
Fallout 4 Murphy’s Law Depravity Full Quest

This uses the same building as in Sim Settlements 2, so if you have that mod and Depravity as I do there is a clever way the creator of ss2 made this work.
Fallout 4 Not All Artists Starve Sim Settlements 2

I had Deacon at this time of this quest along with my usual Gage, Dog, and Shei the wolf.
Fallout 4 Dr. Zimmer Fusion City

This interaction with Dr. Zimmer just made me laugh! This is the Fusion City mod.
Fallout 4 Depravity Like A Goodneighbor

This is the quest Like a Goodneighbor from the Depravity mod in Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 Outcast and Remnants Excess Baggage

This is Outcast and Remnants mod, the quest is Excess Baggage.
Fallout 4 Nightstrikers Obtaining Borous

Borous can be a follower. Traveling with a dog pack is right up my alley.
Fallout 4 Fourville Theodore Nally

Theodore Nally is a character found within the town of Fourville.